Small Ways to Exhibit Entrepreneurship

When you think entrepreneur, you tend to think big. That’s because most of the entrepreneurs we know are larger than life personalities who have made their name in the hotshot world of business – Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet – the list can go on and on. Now if their reputation is what’s scaring you from taking the first steps towards entrepreneurship, you have nothing to worry about. Entrepreneurship does not have to be on a large scale; rather, when you have a head for business and are able to take risks successfully, you are well on the way to being one. So if you’re looking for small ways to exhibit entrepreneurship, look no further than the three Ms:

  • Moonlighting: If you have a regular job and are hesitant to give it up because you’re not sure of making it as an entrepreneur, moonlighting is the best way to go. You can start your business on a small scale and take care of it during your off days and spare time. You would need to plan your day and use every minute of your time wisely because you are now working at two jobs. Be warned however that moonlighting is not for those who cannot manage their time and their efforts. You could lose out on sleep, entertainment and other social activities. And besides this, there is always the danger of losing your regular job if you’re not up to the task of juggling the two wisely.
  • Multi-tasking: Some people are great at doing two or even more jobs together. For example, if you have a desk job where you have a few idle hours every day, you could take care of your online business in the interim. This is just one example of multi-tasking that is now possible thanks to technology and the Internet. Again, the downside here is that your regular employer may not be too thrilled if they get to know what you’re doing, even if it does not affect the way you do your job.
  • Managing: And finally and most important of all, if you’re a good manager, it’s a sure sign that you’re an entrepreneur waiting in the wings. If you can manage your time efficiently, if you can manage people without stepping on toes and rubbing them the wrong way, if you can get work done through proper and timely delegation, and if you have a head for finances, you’re well and truly on your way to becoming a full-fledged, successful entrepreneur.